Friday, June 20, 2008

The Road Less Traveled

The Road by Cormac McCarthy is a novel that should be made into a movie. I've heard it will be, and it makes sense, as it includes the stuff that Hollywood loves to put into cinema. Violence. Gunfights. One man against the odds. The end of the world. Cheap thrills usually, but I hope the movie doesn't make the mistake of leaving out what makes this novel achieve the status of greatness.

Because McCarthy takes the novel and makes it ask the kind of questions that all great novels ask. The importance of living at all costs against the quality of that life, the struggle to find faith in a world that seems to harbor nothing but malice, and more.

McCarthy's writing is as usual beautiful, even though he writes a story that is often horrible in the events that transpire in it. The Road is a meditation on what it means to be human in the face of inhumanity, and it never takes the easy route in supplying an answer. Hollywood doesn't usually like that kind of dilemma, but McCarthy has enough guts tell his story so that the theme haunts you. Let's hope the movie doesn't resolve it in a way that cheapens what resonates even after you come to The Road's end.

I give The Road four out of five garlics.

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