Wednesday, June 11, 2008

El Camino Real

The Road by Cormac McCarthy. Read it before the movie comes out. A great way to impress a date is to let them know that you can read. It what separates you from a low wage job. Anyways back to the book.

The books starts with the end of the world, well more the end of civilized society as we know it. What you know at the beginning is that a man and his son survive. What they have do is simply figure out how to stay alive. So they hit the road, pardon the bad pun, and begin a journey. Interesting questions arise from the book: Is there a God? What is right or wrong when your trying to stay alive? Who can you really trust? Can you even trust yourself? But the most important question is what is humanity? McCarthy makes an attempt to answer them as simply as possible. What you have to figure out while reading the book is, whether the road leads to new beginnings or toward the end. A great summer book.

It gets 4 out 5 garlics .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.